Home » Before The Turkey Election: Shots at The CHP Party Headquarters in Istanbul
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Before The Turkey Election: Shots at The CHP Party Headquarters in Istanbul

Tensions are mounting ahead of Turkey’s May 14 elections. After an attack on the headquarters of the IYI party, the CHP party headquarters were also shot at.

Istanbul – A few weeks before the Turkish elections, the local party headquarters of the opposition CHP in Istanbul was apparently attacked at gunpoint. “As a policeman and a security guard, who were both in the building, said, the building was shot at six to seven times,” CHP Istanbul chair Canan Kaftancioglu said on Twitter. Bullet casings were found at the crime scene.

The public prosecutor’s office has now started their investigation. It was only on March 31 that the IYI Party headquarters in Istanbul were shot at . No one was killed or injured in either attack. 

Source: Frankfurter Rundschau
