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Angola and Brazil Relaunch Cooperation

Delegations from both States witnessed the signing of the documents during a ceremony held on Wednesday at the Itamaraty Palace in Brasilia.

Angolan MIREX issued a press release detailing the content of the new commitments which include a government agreement to avoid double taxation on the benefits of international air and maritime transportation.

Another six legal bindings consist of memorandums of understanding which include the agreements established between the respective Ministries of Health; the development company of Barra de Dande and the superintendence of the Brazilian free zone of Manaus, and also between the National Institute for Research and Prevention of Transport Accidents and its Brazilian counterpart.

Also, the National Civil Aviation Authority of Angola and the National Civil Aviation Agency of Brazil, signed two agreements, one on technical cooperation and the other on ‘open skies’, both protocols register the 7th Meeting of the Mixed Commission and the one held by the Joint Committee of the Investment Cooperation and Facilitation Agreement.

According to MREX, the objective is to establish broad inter-ministerial and inter-institutional cooperation, bringing together technical, technological, scientific, financial and human resources, to modernize the training of personnel, materials and infrastructure involved in healthcare work, the medical training of postgraduate studies in health and research in the two countries.

Source: Prensa Latina
