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30,000 Euros to Help Earthquake Victims in Türkiye and Syria

Monday, April 3, the municipal council of Vénissieux voted in favor of the allocation of a subsidy to Secours populaire. This, in the amount of 30,000 euros, will enable the association to come to the aid of the victims of the earthquakes which occurred in Turkey and Syria at the beginning of February.

“This gesture of solidarity testifies to the importance of international aid in these times of crisis , declared, for the communist group, Murat Yazar. Solidarity is the tenderness of peoples. Emergency help is essential when everything is missing to begin with. »

If the municipal majority voted in favor of this report, the opposition was more divided. The elected representatives of the group “La République Partout pour Tous” preferred to abstain, Christophe Girard being surprised in particular by the choice of Secours populaire. As for Maurice Iacovella and Alexandre Dallery (group “Vénissieux Pluriel”), they voted against, the latter considering that there were “other priorities than these international problems” .

“In Palestine as in France, in Haiti as in the Comoros, our solidarity is addressed to men, women and children in destitution, victims of armed conflicts or natural disasters, replied the mayor. I know that Venissians share these values ​​of solidarity and mutual aid, as the campaigns to collect basic necessities have illustrated this again recently. Our city also forges its identity through what it knows how to give. »

Source: Expressions
