Home » Peru: Gov’t Establishes Measures to Ensure Operation of Social Infrastructure
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Peru: Gov’t Establishes Measures to Ensure Operation of Social Infrastructure

The Peruvian Government has established measures to ensure the operation and maintenance of educational and health infrastructure implemented by the Authority for Reconstruction with Changes (ARCC) within the framework of the Comprehensive Plan for Reconstruction with Changes (PIRCC), through the government-to-government agreement.

This was provided by Legislative Decree No. 1563 published on Sunday in the Official Gazette El Peruano.

Said measures were taken to enable users, and the population in general, to benefit from the aforementioned social infrastructure.

Within this context, the Ministry of Education (Minedu) and the Ministry of Health (Minsa) are authorized, depending on whether it is educational or health infrastructure, to enter into agreements with regional governments and competent local governments.

The goal is to enable the aforementioned ministries to own the infrastructure executed by the ARCC to guarantee the operation and maintenance activities of said infrastructure.

Such activities do not include those related to the direct provision of educational services or health services, such as: recruitment of staff within the framework of Law No. 29944 (Teacher Reform Law) and Law No. 30328 (Law that establishes educational measures and introduces other provisions).

The recruitment of personnel within the framework of pedagogical interventions is not included either; nor is the recruitment of health staff regulated by Legislative Decree No. 1153, which regulates the comprehensive policy on compensation and economic disbursements for health workers at the Service of the State.

Public entities that fail to comply or unilaterally terminate the agreements that are signed within the framework of this article, are responsible for all the costs and damages that may derive from said breach or termination.

Source : Andina
