Home » Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry Identifies Bolsonaro as the Instigator of Coup Attempts in Brasília
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Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry Identifies Bolsonaro as the Instigator of Coup Attempts in Brasília

Parliamentary Committee concludes in Congress after 5 months of investigation

The CPI (Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry) on January 8th approved its final report, calling for the indictment of former President Jair Bolsonaro and 60 others, including five former ministers.

Senator Eliziane Gama’s report was approved by a vote of 20 to 11. Members of the ruling party celebrated the outcome by holding banners with the phrase “No amnesty for coup plotters,” while the opposition shouted “shame.”

The final report, mandatory in parliamentary inquiries, can only suggest indictments to the responsible authorities. The CPI intends to submit the document to the Attorney General’s Office (PGR), the Federal Police, and the Supreme Federal Court (STF) next week.

Eliziane stated that January 8th was the “work of Bolsonarism” and argued that the former president should be indicted for four crimes: criminal association, political violence, violent abolition of the democratic rule of law, and coup d’état.

The report labels Bolsonaro as the “mastermind” behind the attacks, claiming he would be the main beneficiary of a coup.

The committee concludes after five months of investigations.

Source: Folha De S. Paulo
