Home » Spain Will Request this Wednesday The Fourth Payment of 10,000 Million of European Funds
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Spain Will Request this Wednesday The Fourth Payment of 10,000 Million of European Funds

The Government approves a decree that includes measures pending from the last legislature necessary to unblock aid

The Government will formally request the EU tomorrow for the fourth payment of the Next Generation EU funds amounting to € 10 billion, after complying with the pending reforms and milestones of the Recovery Plan, such as reform of unemployment benefits. This has been transferred on Tuesday by the second vice president and Minister of Labor, Yolanda Díaz, at the press conference held after the meeting of the Council of Ministers, that has given the green light to a royal decree law adopting urgent measures for the execution of the Recovery Plan, Transformation and Resilience (PRTR) in matters of public service of Justice, public function, local regime and patronage.

The Executive thus complies with its forecast of request the fourth payment before the end of the year. “ Each and every one of the reforms committed to the European Commission and investments in component 23 [related to the labor market] today are fully approved, settled and completed ”, Díaz stressed, adding that “ from minute one ” the Government “ has done nothing but widen labor rights ”.MORE INFORMATION

Labor and Economy agree to the reform of the unemployment subsidy that raises aid to 570 euros

In the field of Public Function, a renewal of human resources planning, organization and management is included, with changes in selective processes and performance evaluation, in addition to modifications in access to senior official positions. These reforms were part of the draft of the Public Function Law that declined for the early call for elections.

Among the novelties related to public employment offers, it is contemplated that the places not covered after a call for oppositions can be offered again if no more than three years have passed since the publication of the offer. It also establishes the possibility for the competent department to convene open and permanent unit competitions to include vacant jobs in the different ministries. On the other hand, a maximum duration of the selective processes and the territorialization of the tests will be imposed: calls must be published in the same year of the approval of the Public Employment Offer, which must be executed in a maximum of two years.The opposition process may not last more than a year and the ministry will be empowered to develop a model of common bases in the selective processes.

The tests will also be reformed, based on the evaluation of competences and skills and on the professionalization of the selection bodies. On the other hand, the evaluation of compulsory performance is regulated, the procedure by which professional conduct is valued and performance is measured. Public Function ensures that such evaluations will not imply loss of official status. Those who overcome them, on the other hand, will obtain direct benefits, such as the remuneration of the performance supplement, which replaces that of productivity. Your career progression will also be encouraged. In this area, the introduction of the horizontal race stands out, which allows improving conditions without changing jobs, through a system of sections where the trajectory will be valued, performance, training or participation in teaching or research activities. All of the above may result in the additional remuneration of the new career complement.

To promote the integration of people with disabilities, the creation of inclusion units is contemplated. Another measure is the constitution of the National Institute of Public Administration as a public employment agency so that it has more weight in the selection and training policies of public employees.

Digitization of courts

The Council of Ministers has also approved measures to digitize courts, extend telematic trials, and streamline hearings and procedures. “ It is the greatest advance in digital transformation in the history of Justice ”, said the Minister of Presidency, Justice and Relations with the Cortes, Félix Bolaños, when presenting part “ mollar ” of the decree law.

Holding hearings, trials and procedural acts through telematic means will be the norm, he explained; a folder of justice will be created, with which any person will be able to access the files that they have in different courts, and the electronic judicial file, to telematically consult the status of the proceedings.

Among the procedural efficiency measures, Bolaños has stressed that the hearings will also be telematic in the criminal sphere. In the contentious-administrative, the courts are expedited to process the procedures, for example with the digital transfer to the citizens of the administrative file; and in the civil sphere the amounts are reduced to hold verbal trials. Family procedures and the execution of sentences are also streamlined, and witness procedures are created, which can be applied when many similar lawsuits are registered, for example consumption: all procedures are suspended while the first is handled with agility and serves as a reference for the rest.

Source: El Pais
