Home » Lula Ignores Gender Diversity, and Supreme Federal Court Is Expected to Have 10 Men and 1 Woman
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Lula Ignores Gender Diversity, and Supreme Federal Court Is Expected to Have 10 Men and 1 Woman

By appointing the Minister of Justice, Flávio Dino, to fill Rosa Weber’s vacancy on the Supreme Federal Court (STF), President Lula reduces the female representation on the court to only one woman among its 11 members, Justice Cármen Lúcia.

The choice was announced this Monday (27), and the nomination is expected to be evaluated by senators later this year, before the start of the recess.

Cármen was appointed by Lula in 2006. At that time, she took the opposite stance, increasing the presence of female ministers by choosing one to take the seat left by retired Minister Nelson Jobim.

Since the first semester, the president has faced pressure from left-wing movements for the unprecedented appointment of a black female minister to the Supreme Court and to maintain Rosa’s seat with a woman.

However, Lula did not yield to the appeals, just as he did in the first semester when he chose Cristiano Zanin, his defender in the Operation Car Wash cases.

Before deciding on Dino’s name, the president had already stated that gender and color would not be criteria for the nomination.

As a result, female representation on the Supreme Court stands at 9%, the second worst in Latin America, surpassed only by Argentina, which does not have female ministers.

Source: Folha De S. Paulo
