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Lula Sets Record for Delay in Appointing Supreme Court Justice

The uncertainty regarding who will occupy the Supreme Court (STF) seat formerly held by Rosa Weber reached 52 days on Monday (20), becoming the longest decision-making process for President Lula (PT) in his three terms. In the first half of the year, the Chief Executive took 51 days to announce his former lawyer, Cristiano Zanin. In his two previous terms, the decisions by the PT leader came an average of two weeks after the vacancy was opened. The longest delay was with Cármen Lúcia in 2006, taking 42 days.

The delay has left the Supreme Court understaffed, with ten ministers, impacting the flow of processes, especially those previously under Rosa’s jurisdiction awaiting the new minister, who is expected to inherit the caseload. The 1988 Constitution does not establish a deadline for appointments. A survey by Folha based on STF records showed that since 1989, more than half of the appointments occurred within 17 and a half days.

Source: Folha De S. Paulo
