Home » Reprogrammed the Havana International Book Fair
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Reprogrammed the Havana International Book Fair

According with the website Cubadebate, the date of the International party of the book in Cuba, scheduled to next year’s February 8 to 18 was changed by Brazil’s petition, the invited country to the event. Now is reprogrammed for 15  to 25 at the same month.

The Ministry of Culture of the South American giant made the petition because the dates of its Carnival and the Book Fair coincided, and many of the artists and other personalities invited to the Havana will participate as well in the biggest and most important Brazilian festivity.

For the postponement of the Havana International Book Fair the provincials fairs will be postponed till the March 24.

With the José Martí’s premise “Leer es crecer (Reading grows up)” the book party in Havana will be at its usual headquarters in the Park Morro Cabaña, as well, other spaces will be sub–headquarters, like the Pabellón Cuba and some Plazas of the Historical Center of La Habana Vieja.

The Cuban writer and teacher Francisco López Sacha; and Isabel Monal, National Prize of Social Sciences, will be the honored guests of thise reading event.

Thise is the 32nd edition of the Havana International Book Fair, celebrated since 1982, every year is dedicated to a different country.

Source: Telesur
